Case for Antinatalism: Immigration

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Immigration and its causes

The number of people living in countries other than their country of birth has more than doubled since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

People move for various reasons, using different methods. But one thing is quite common - a large subset of people is so dissatisfied with their conditions that they are eager to undergo a painful, long and often risky endeavor of to another country.

The majority of migrants go through some sort of a legal route, even though it is becoming more and more complicated. Meanwhile some continue to use and abuse an even riskier path by seeking asylum or a refugee status.

A lot of these people are born by accident, through irresponsible sex their mothers had with strange men or boyfriends. A lot of them also come from responsible and "functional", albeit very poor, families. Some come from ordinary or even upper class backgrounds, but they are just as dissatisfied with the conditions they end up in.

The truth is: the fundamental cause of immigration anywhere by anyone is misery. That human feeling of slow torturous existence in the atmosphere of fear - be it the fear of retribution, persecution, hunger, bullying, etc. - all comes as a product of an irresponsible, selfish, even psychopatic female's birthing orifice.

No person I know, even those born in first world countries from the most upstanding background, feel at home among the people they grew up with. "There is no place like home" begins to have a different meaning. Indeed, like a home there is no place. Especially a place you're used to call home.

With the current demographic decline worldwide, we see a problem where underdeveloped, miserable places produce excesses of children and those of them most suitable for a relatively comfortable modern life do not produce enough offspring. Time tells us that solutions alternative to immigration do not work as a replacement strategy short-term. But immigration as a long-term solution is not a solution either.

The first issue with this "vertical" pattern immigration is that it does not address the underlying cause. Immigrants are not the cause but a symptom. So far the only "solutions" that I've seen involve constant overspending on nonsense like "foreign aid" that only exacerbates the problem.

Consider charity and foreign aid as a one shot "solution" - look at how they boast about building new infrastructure, for example. Once a playground or a water fountain is built, it has to be maintained. Normally it's enough to take a loan to build a facility that people can use, and charge those people money. That money goes into maintaining the facility and paying the salary of the staff. But not if we look at it from the standpoint of a charity work, where the money is spent and no new money is generated. Since a non-profit cannot charge the recipients of aid, it can only keep them going for as long as the chairty can afford, until the next crisis hits, and a new cycle of suffering and campaigning to alleviate it begins.

This problem is in the nature of charity work itself. Feeding the hungry is only a solution for one day, but never long term. Indeed, entire industries are formed for the sole goal of feeding a population, while generating lucrative profits for the agricultural entreprises and farmers alike.

Competing with that by offering free food is enough only for some time. Similarly, foreign aid projects have to become a habit - almost like an addiciton to the recipients. Cutting aid and charity will never happen, because there is no incentive for local food produce makers to compete with what is offered for free. Since competition is destroyed by free charity, normal economy cannot work. Enter the artificial parasitism.

Worse, as charity continues, the population grows and becomes more dependent on it. But so do dictators and warlords of all kinds running the destitute areas of the world. They use the misery of the population as a lure for charity goods. Then they can either forcibly take over distribution or offer their services to the charities, saving time and money for the foreigners. Corruption galore.

But I digress.

The point is that in the end the root causes of the population outflow are not addressed, and moreover, they are exacerbated as the continued sustenance only works as a driver not only for mothers to go on giving birth to kids, but even those children that would normally die from malnutrition or disease will survive, only fueling the future migrant population. After all, how do affluent countries try to address the mass migration inflow? Bribe the "donor" countries' rulers in order to urge them to stop the migrant inflow. But this is counter-intuitive - by paying someone to stop doing A, you only incentivize them to keep doing A, instead of switching to B. Only force can change behaviors.


A lot of people on all sides of politics have an argument against immigration. But what the last 20 years of politics taught us is that it's pointless to argue about it. Politicians can only pass new laws on top of pre-existing laws, making things more and more complicated but never solving any problem.

Those who come illegally to Europe are driven by false hopes, abused by smugglers, and they end up in migrant camps with no way to make money legally. Those who are lucky to be let loose, if they can function at all, will never get a chance to get even an average paying job. With a poor command of the local language and a lack of local connections, the best they can hope is a minimum wage job, maybe with a child of theirs getting a better chance after graduating in a local school.

Overall, the excess population is invited but it is met with a mixed reaction. Instead of an ability to pursue their individual wealth they are shackled as criminals, and they are set before a rigid population movement control system, with the ministries of interior dictating what jobs they can or cannot do, where they can live, etc.

The political asylum seekers often face the same degree of restrictions, but they are ever threatened with the Damocles' sword of deportation, which is bad enough if they did face persecution for their political or religious beliefs. It is worse if it turns out that their application was denied and now they will have to add more and more documetns to explain this decision to another country's authorities if they try their luck elsewhere.

For legal immigrants it often comes down to time. It may take up to two decades in some countries to get a citizenship. This can explain why many immigrants' fertility rate drops after landing in the new place. Risking having kids as an extra burden - both physical and financial - can be too much for the new arrivals. Alas, this is one domain where the powers of a government are nearly unlimited, while that of the forcibly removed persons is regulated by the international treaties in most developed nations. Hence, anti-migrant legislation is great at reducing legal migration, and the recent burst of illegal entries into the EU is another sign of that.

So, obviously the relocation alone cannot solve migrants' problems. Worse, it introduces new problems, faced both by the migrants and by the receiving countries. But so far nobody seems to address the root cause.

Root cause

Misery is the root cause. It has many faces. The ugliest of them is a prolonged torture, physical and psychological, endured by innocents. A Kafkaesque nightmare turned into a reality that millions endure.

Hardly anyone addresses the root cause of the innocents' suffering, just like they won't address the root cause of immigration. The population surplus in countries with no respect to human rights is driven by mothers who disregard their dire condition, producing kids non-stop until the nature takes its course.

The root cause is birth. Culling the birth rates in the "donor" countries cannot happen any sooner. Instead of promoting sterilization and cutting access to food and medicine necessary for child survival, the affluent countries of the West do the direct opposite. As a result, in the next two decades the inflow of immigrants is due to continue, but there is a sign that the situation may improve.

Especially in countries like India and those of the Sub-Saharan Africa, the fertility rate is declining. No thanks to the millions spent on contraception and charity but thanks to the growing affluence in those country.

And this drives me to the key point of this essay.

The major cause of this massive shift in the world population is the mismatch between the place of birth and the desired place of residence. That is a direct product of irresponsible breeding. One does not have to be an Antinatalist like I am to concur. This is a creation of the last half century of charity driven by idiotic sentimentalities of the Western World, be it religious or secular.

As the population survives aided by the charity of the affluent countries, it explodes in the number, and faced with the pressures of their home countries the surplus was forced out, populating Western nations.

The least forgivable offense is that of the mothers in the Middle East, where dictators were running amok while wars proliferated. Many people talk about the flood that is the Gaza Palestinian population, that - despite the "genocide" imposed on them throughout the decades of Israeli occupation and blockade - continued to explode in numbers.

One theory suggests that Palestinian mothers want to have more kids due to the sense of duty that they need to breed soldiers to defeat the Israelis. Similarly, the Israelis still maintain relatively high fertility rates when compared to others in the West.

But we know that Man himself is the end, and never the means. Therefore, breeding new humans for the sake of one's delusional hopes is worse than a crime - it's a mistake.

Thus, the approach taken by the Chinese young men and women is the most laudable. Procreation is too costly and it only feeds the dictatorial regime of the Chinese Communist Party.

And that - the refusal to procreate - is one of the most efficient weapons against a dictatorship. It is among the powers that no dictatorial regime, no matter how tyranical, can wield over a person.

Hence, it is a great tragedy that humanity continued to proliferate even in some of the worst places on earth, feeding the beast that tortures people and turns their lives into a never ending cycle of misery.

Antinatalism is the only solution to this. After all, if you cannot defeat your oppressor by force, you can still strip them of having new victims.

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